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Novelty tees, shirts and more.

23 May '17

The Goth Mug Has Arrived

Posted by Cleatus Van Damme in 13 reasons why, black, mug, television

So many of you asked if we would be selling mugs in any colors other than white.

So we hunted high and low and found a black coffee mug for those of you that like your morning drink really dark.

It's another 11 oz mug but in black which is the perfect color for those of us that aren't morning people.

Our first black mug is for the new dark series called 13 Reasons Why. 

We pimped up the design a bit for a new product launch. 

Since these are flying off the shelf in white now you have your own reason to buy another.

Buy One Now



13 May '17

We've got mugs!

Posted by Cleatus Van Damme
You asked for them, we listened.   We're proud to announce that we have mugs, and they're immediately available.

We started by adding some of the most obvious and requested designs including Mutiny from Halt and Catch Fire, Ron's Coffee from Mr. Robot and our latest Monet's Cafe from 13 Reasons Why.    We'll steadily be adding more.   If you have requests, let us know, we'll prioritize those that people are asking for the most.

Check out our new mug collection.

11 May '17

We've partnered with Amazon

Posted by Cleatus Van Damme
We're happy to announce that we've partnered with Amazon to offer many of our most popular designs on Amazon's site.   The designs that are available there will have a "buy now on amazon" button on the product page.    And yes, great news, these are available on Amazon Prime as well.

These are our same original designs that you get through the main store.   We are simply offering them through Amazon as an additional channel to reach more customers as well as offer different fulfillment options to our existing customers.    Only difference is there may be some differences in what sizes and colors are available in the main store versus Amazon.   This is simply a question of what's in stock where.

We will continue to look for additional fulfillment options to give you more ways to obtain our products.   And as always, regardless of where you buy, we appreciate your business.
09 May '17

New shirts arriving weekly

Posted by Cleatus Van Damme
You've asked for more, you've got it.    In the past we've done mostly monthly updates, but going forward, you'll see new shirts appearing every other day or so.   

As always, all of our designs are our own originals.   And we'll continue to focus on the things you guys like such as TV shows, movies, games and pop culture in general.    

We're always on the lookout for clever things we can reference in popular shows to create fan shirts.    And we do take requests, if you catch something we haven't, drop us a line, we'll see what we can do.    

06 May '17

13 Reason's Why Monet's Coffee T-shirt

Posted by Cleatus Van Damme

You guys have been asking for more shirts from Netflix shows.   Well, we're currently on a 13 Reasons Why binge.    I'm not real sure why, this thing is almost a chick flick, but I guarantee that once you start watching you'll have a hard time not tearing through the entire season.

One of the key locations in the set is the coffee shop where Hannah Baker and her buddies meet up for hot chocolate and coffee.    And what IS up with the coffees that albino looking guy drinks anyway?    

But I digress, it's called Monet's Cafe, and of course we now have the shirt to commemorate the location and show that you're a fan of the show.    A sneak preview of the shirt is below, for more details click here.


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