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Novelty tees, shirts and more.

23 May '17

The Goth Mug Has Arrived

Posted by Cleatus Van Damme in 13 reasons why, black, mug, television

So many of you asked if we would be selling mugs in any colors other than white.

So we hunted high and low and found a black coffee mug for those of you that like your morning drink really dark.

It's another 11 oz mug but in black which is the perfect color for those of us that aren't morning people.

Our first black mug is for the new dark series called 13 Reasons Why. 

We pimped up the design a bit for a new product launch. 

Since these are flying off the shelf in white now you have your own reason to buy another.

Buy One Now



23 Oct '15

It Is Game of Thrones Day

Posted by Cleatus Van Damme in game of thrones, pop culture, t-shirt, television
By popular demand, we've added more Game of Thrones swag.   First up, today we debut our alt version of the dracarys shirt.   For those of you who do not speak fluent valyrian, dracarys is the command the Mother of Dragons gives her children when she wants them to burn her adversaries to a crisp.   Don't mess with the Khaleesi!

We've also added a Hodor shirt.  What more can we say about Hodor?   hodor, hodor?, hodor, hodor!, hodor?, hodor!!, hodor, hodor!!

the mother of dragons says dracaryshodor